Thursday, June 11, 2020

Myka Stauffer Is A Garbage Person - But Not For The Obvious Reasons. (And So Is James)

The obvious reasons being the adoption, exploitation and then abandonment of her son (I will not be using his name or photo in this blog post at all, but will refer to him as "H"). 

I will also not be sharing links to her videos as I don't think she should make one more fucking dime off of them.

However, if you're not familiar with this story, you can read about it here: Garbage People Make Money Off Of Special Needs Child, Then Put Him in Foster Care and Still Keep Making Money Off Of Him

I'd like to say that there have been many cases of children being "returned" after being adopted and I am not commenting on my feelings about all that. 

But, in this case, I'd like to comment as a mother of a child with Autism and other special needs.

This shit is hard. 

It. Is. Hard. Not being able to give your child the help they need is not a crime. Sometimes, the family does not have the means or resources and have to opt for a therapeutic foster home or residential care. 

That has to be a heartbreaking and very personal decision and is in no way the same thing as what Myka and James did. 

I gave birth to my child and did not have the advantage that Myka and James had of knowing what his needs and issues would be beforehand. I wish I had. It would have have been great to be able to have a plan in place to meet those needs.

Myka is also a registered nurse. Girl, if a nurse in a mansion can't handle it, then we're all fucked. 

But, like a lot of parents (adoptive and biological), I went through the long and difficult process of evaluations, meltdowns, IEP meetings and sleepless nights before we began to unravel my kiddo's mysteries.

The reason the Stauffer's are garbage people is that they highly publicized the adoption process which gained them tens of thousands of new subscribers (subscribers that didn't hop on board when they tried homeschooling and going vegan). 

They monetized these videos and asked for donations which I don't have an issue with (the donation part), except for the fact that she is clearly well-off and living in a nearly million dollar home. 

Her YouTube channel's net worth for the month of June is over $160,000. So, she clearly financially gains from using her children as revenue. 

Again, do you know what I could do with $160,000 a month?? It would be more than buying a new pair Golden Goose  sneakers for $500. Myka also posted a video stating she didn't want to pay the $500 a month for H's therapy while wearing a $6,000 watch.

Even though H is no longer part of her family, she continues to leave up and monetize videos with him in them. 

That is reprehensible. She may be a sociopath. I dunno. 

Myka routinely posted videos of H having what she called "meltdowns". Biiiiish. You have no idea. Now, it's possible that we weren't seeing the worst of it, but the videos she posts to gain sympathy are most likely what she thinks will get her the most of that.

H was actually acting like a toddler. Because he was three. I did not see one major tantrum in any of these video clips. Myka stated that he bites, kicks and hits. Ya know, like a three year old. 

I should also mention that H was 3-4 years old and willingly doing chores. Mine is 11 and I'd drop dead of shock if he took it upon himself to do a damn chore. 

As far as their treatment of H, they were garbage on top of garbage. James frequently complained that H always wanted to eat and "stared"at James while he was eating which drove him "crazy".

Myka duct taped H's thumb so he'd stop sucking it for comfort. 

She and James used this child, who was suffering with Autism and Adoption Trauma  to gain followers and to make money.

In addition, her biological children lived with H as their brother for two years before he was "re-homed" (which is a fucking gross use of that word for a human being). She gave birth to another son after they adopted H who has never known life without him.

How are they supposed to recover? 

I'm sure the trip they took to Bali after she unloaded H into the foster care system helped take the edge off. 

When subscribers stopped seeing H in the Stauffer's videos, they demanded to know where he was. In a crocodile tear filled video, Myka and James claimed they gave him to a new home based on advice from doctors (Yeah, ok. A doctor told you to put your 4 year old up for adoption because he has Autism) and H's own request to be re-homed. Your non-verbal child requested to go into foster care? Sure, Jan.

And even if he did say he wanted to go to a new family, my kid does that on the regular. That doesn't mean I drop him off at the fire department. You don't let a 4 year old decide his whole life. 

So, you may be asking what the point is of this blog besides raging.

Nothing. Not a damn thing. 

I'm furious. 

You do not "return" children.

You do not use children as revenue.

You do not use international or special needs adoption as a prop for your Vlog.

And you most certainly do not get to say it's too hard while wearing $500 sneakers in your mansion. 

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